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The heaviest snowfalls of the season have left thicknesses of over 90 cm in FGC Turisme resorts.

News date: 10-03-2024
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Tags: FGC Turisme, Snowfall, Winter

Thanks to the snowfall, the FGC Turisme mountain resorts will be able to open a large part of their ski area and ensure a very good Easter week.


Boí Taüll has had 90 cm of snowfall and Port Ainé and Espot Esquí have received up to 80 cm of new snow. Vall de Núria and Vallter have recorded 50 cm, compared with 40 cm in La Molina.


The staff at the resorts are working to secure the area and minimise the danger of avalanches, prepare the routes and open up the maximum number of skiable kilometres for the next few days until the end of the season, scheduled for 1 April.

Winter has returned with a strong and cheerful start to the six FGC Turisme mountain ski resorts. The low temperatures and precipitation in the form of snow recorded from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 March have resulted in a very considerable improvement in conditions for skiing and snowboarding in all of Ferrocarrils' tourist facilities.


This is excellent news both in terms of water reserves in the country's internal basins and from the point of view of tourism. This latest episode of snowfall could allow some of the group's resorts to open 100% of their ski area in the next few days once the perimeter has been secured against avalanche danger and the slopes have been prepared.


Boí Taüll, in Alta Ribagorça, and Port Ainé and Espot Esquí, in Pallars Sobirà, have been the resorts most favoured by the southerly squall. Boí Taüll has had up to 90 cm of accumulated snow in almost three days of snowfall, and at the highest points of the resort, the thicknesses have reached 240 cm. Port Ainé and Espot have recorded 80 cm. In these resorts in the Lleida Pyrenees, the piste teams have been working from the very first moment on the preparation of the routes and especially on minimising the danger of avalanches, as with the thicknesses recorded it is important to ensure the skiable area of the resort.


The most optimistic resort was Port Ainé, where its managers reported that today, Sunday 10 March, the forecast was to have 99% of the domain open and to reach the total number of skiable kilometres throughout the week, when the snow has been properly worked. Therefore, 25 slopes giving access to 27 skiable kilometres. In Boí Taüll, the skiable area will also be increased to over 40 km of open runs. Similarly, Espot is working to reach its ceiling of 25 km of slopes in operation on Monday 11 and therefore with all the runs open.


As for the resorts in the eastern Pyrenees, La Molina has received up to 40 cm of new snow, which will considerably increase the number of open pistes, reaching 80% of the resort, and exceeding 50 km of milled and marked pistes, corresponding to 51 pistes. With the snowfall, the connection with Masella is guaranteed and the Cadí Moixeró cable car is now open uninterruptedly. The Central, Torrent, Debutants, Alabau and Tosa areas will be open. The Fun Park and the Nissan X-Trail Slalom will also remain in operation once the teams are able to prepare them after the accumulated thicknesses.


Meanwhile, Vall de Núria, with 50 cm of new snow, is already working to open 100% of the ski area and has the Fun Park at full capacity. In Vallter, with the 50 cm snowfall, the skiable domain has been extended with the Bac, Xemeneies and Xalet areas, which together with the Clot area, which was already open, will allow the Camprodón valley resort to reach 100%. You can download updated images of the state of the FGC resorts at this link.

The heaviest snowfalls of the season have left thicknesses of over 90 cm in FGC Turisme resorts.
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